Fellow Republicans,
The Greene County Executive Committee met on Jan 8th and after lengthy discussions, agreed that we do NOT support the closing of the Old Salem (Lakeside Church) as a voting location.
Mark A. Schulz
Chairman, Greene County Republican Party
Greene County Board of Elections
Intends to Close Lakeside Church for Election Day Voting
Your Action is Needed Now
The Greene County Board of Elections took the first of two votes at their January 14th meeting to permanently close Lakeside Church as our Election Day voting location. The second and final vote will be held on Tuesday, February 11. If at least two of the three members vote to close Lakeside Church on February 11, all early and Election Day voting will only be available at the County Annex, effective late 2025.
The Board’s justification for this action is the administrative and operational convenience of processing all votes in one county location. This action does not consider the convenience of voting locally, voters who simply may not want to make the 50-minute round trip drive to the County Annex, and additional driving delays when the Highway 44 expansion begins. We areconcerned that voter participation will significantly decrease for all non-Presidential elections.
If this issue is of concern, you can take two actions to help retain a local Election Day voting location.
1) Email the three Election Board members with your views on this issue. Include Elections Director Rebecca Anglin on all emails:
Ted Baker, Board Chair: ted@oconeeproperty.com
Bob Lofgren: leighbob87@gmail.com
Kathryn Harris: kharrisefx@yahoo.com
Elections Director Rebecca Anglin: ranglin@greenecountyga.gov
2) Attend the February 11th, 4:00 pm, Board of Elections meeting held in the conference room just outside the Elections Office at the County Annex in Greensboro (1180C Weldon Smith Drive, Greensboro). All Greene County residents are welcome.
Greene County Republican Party