February 1, 2025
There is an interesting action being taken by the Greene County Election and Registration Office after their January 14th meeting.
It began months ago as the three person board headed by Ted Baker, selected by the County Commissioners and Bob Lofgren, Republican representative and Kathryn Harris, Democrat representative, began working on moving the Siloam location from the fire station to the Community center.
It appeared that the plan was working with the support of Rebecca Anglin, Election Supervisor, but took an interesting turn at the January meeting.
Baker made a motion to close the Old Salen (Lakeside Church) location for election day voting saying that he votes early and recent shifts in early voting, especially after the November 5thPresidential election, show that this trend will continue. After a brief pause, Harris amended the motion to close three locations, Siloam, Union Point and Old salem. This amended motion was seconded by Baker and passed.
Sheriff Donnie Harrison expressed his concern about the traffic at the Old Salem location.
A few years back Greene County had nine voting locations and the previous Election Board voted to reduce this number to the four current locations. Other counties in Georgia are taking similar actions, including Oconee County, which plans to close four of their eight locations.
There are surveys that show that closing locations can and will reduce the number of voters who will not travel the additional distance and voting participation is therefore reduced.
Growth in Greene County has been increasing in the southern part of the county where voters do in fact vote early, but Old Salem has the highest turnout of election day voters of any location in Greene County. According to Election Board data 785 persons voted at Old Salem on election Day, 560 voted at the Greensboro election office, 499 at Union Point fire station and 279 at Siloam. Interesting that the data shows that 101 voted from White Plains. White Plains is not a voting location, they vote at Siloam, bringing their total to 380.
If the growth continues in the southern part of the county even with increased early voting, it would seem that logically if one were to close locations, the priority would be to close Siloam, Union Point and even the Greensboro elections office before the highest turnout location of Old Salem (Lakeside Church).
Greene County is one of the fastest growing counties in Georgia and only projected growth should determine where voting locations should be. This would provide the best service to the voting customer.
It is premature to even consider closing all of the locations without a longer term evaluation of future growth in Greene County.
Mark Schulz
Greene County Republican Party