Greene County Georgia Republican Party Platform
February 8, 2022
Preamble: We believe a primary role of Government at all levels is to promote the SAFETY and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS of Citizens and to enforce the RULE OF LAW as provided in the Constitution. The Greene County Georgia Republican Party stands for the following principles. (Note, sequence is not intended to denote relative importance.)
1. We support our Police in their effort to ENFORCE THE LAW, and a judicial priority for fair sentencing, limited plea bargains, an end to parole for convenience, and a stronger emphasis on the rights of victims to equal access under the law.
2. We believe that Greene County should set a high priority, and specific accountability for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT to grow jobs and services to the public. This includes supporting programs (such as the First Step Act and the Georgia Justice Project) that promote socioeconomic and legal environments that enable all citizens to contribute to society despite any past convictions.
3. We support and encourage SCHOOL CHOICE including public schools, private schools, home schooling, and charter schools. We endorse an education curriculum that teaches the principles and foundations of our Democracy. We reject the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory and object to any inclusion of its teachings in our schools. We call upon the Board of Education to coordinate the consolidation of resources and optimization of spending across Greene County wherever possible without compromising the quality and effectiveness of the learning experience. It is the responsibility of the Board of Education to measure and report the effectiveness and efficiency of the collective education efforts against State approved benchmarks.
4. Political influence, voting and other rights of U.S. Citizens must be defended from encroachment by non-citizens. We support strong control of voting through active management of voter registers and positive VOTER ID verification.
5. We believe the timing of political campaigns and the total of funding from all sources should be limited by stronger CAMPAIGN FINANCE Laws, and that voters should have a say through legislation. Political contributions should be regulated so no person or entity can fund any campaign in a local or State election unless they are a U.S. Citizen or corporate entity of that locality.
6. We believe the government at all levels has a role in promoting PARENTING to maximize the educational, physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic well-being of every child. We call upon all Greene County officials and agencies to support and actively involve parents in choices confronting under-age children such as gender preference, female consent, safety, and special needs.
7. We RESPECT our country, our flag, our National Anthem, our historic monuments, our veterans, our Military, and our national traditions. We object to any legislation or actions disrespecting our Founders.
8. We believe in FREEDOM OF PEACEABLE ASSEMBLY AND FREE SPEECH as defined by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, but destructive demonstrations should not be tolerated. We object to identity politics, cancel culture, and discrimination of any kind. We object to censoring by national media and big tech (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) targeting elected officials.
9. We support enforcement of the SECOND AMMENDMENT to the Constitution protecting individual rights to defend one’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We reject any attempt by Federal State, or County Government or others to limit the right of law-abiding citizens to own and bear arms.
10.We recognize the United States’ leadership role in an ever more connected world. We believe strongly in an AMERICA FIRST test for all monies and other support for international commerce or foreign entities.
11. We believe in maintaining STRONG INTERNATIONAL BORDERS to limit entry into our country to individuals who qualify under our laws, including the construction and maintenance of an effective Southern Border Wall.
12. We object to Federal Government control of HEALTHCARE through programs like Obamacare and other healthcare mandates. If a state or local government agency subsidizes healthcare using tax dollars, then it has the responsibility to hold recipients accountable for their effective use.
13. We believe the unborn child has a fundamental RIGHT TO LIFE. A woman is responsible for the choice whether to conceive a child but forfeits the right to terminate a resulting pregnancy unless that pregnancy was forced upon her illegally or would cause irreparable harm to her or her child(ren). We oppose using tax dollars for abortion or funding people or organizations that promote or sponsor it. We believe everyone has choices at end-of-life including the option of Do Not Resuscitate.
14. We believe in the concept of TERM LIMITS on State and Federal offices. An informed and responsible voting public is the preferred approach to hold elected officials accountable as intended in the Constitution. Term Limits would then be determined by the voters in the normal course of elections.
15. We support the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and oppose any legislation (e.g., HR 1, HR 3755) or other efforts by the Federal Government to limit STATES’ RIGHTS under the Constitution. In principle, policies should be set, and decisions made at the lowest level of Government, closest to the people.
16. We believe that EXECUTIVE ORDERS are to only be used to clarify and support existing laws and should not be used to usurp the authority and responsibility of Federal and State Legislatures.
Greene County Republican Party